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Our 4 steps to returning to work after a career break:

1. Determine your priorities
Ask yourself what you want from a job. What is it that you value most? Determining your priorities will help narrow your search and find the most suitable job for you.

  • Money
    Money isn’t a dirty word. Determine a salary range that you’re looking for.
  • Flexibility
    If you have a young family, this is likely to be high up on your list. Flexible working can mean many things: it can look like part-time work, working from home, temping and more.
  • Personal development
    Maybe you’ve had a career break to care for someone or to have a child, and now you have time for yourself and want to feel more fulfilled professionally.

2. Network
Connect and reconnect with former colleagues, friends and family and recruiters. Explore professional networking services such as LinkedIn and better still, attend events where you have the opportunity for face-to-face communication.
A good recruiter will offer insight into the market, advise on your CV and salary expectations, provide honest feedback, and guide you through the entire process which can be especially helpful when you’re lacking confidence.

3. Familiarise (or refamiliarise) yourself with the industry
What do you know about the current trends in your industry? Employers want proactive and motivated people. Re-enter the workforce on the front foot, as knowledgeable as possible.
Go to trusted sources of expertise such as professional bodies. For residential property management specialists, IRPM and ARMA offer brilliant resources and training.

4. Update your CV and practice interviewing!
Update your CV and spend time practicing interviewing. It can help to do this out loud and with friends and family. You’ll want to consider how to answer common and more industry specific questions, and how to briefly explain your employment gap.

There’s nothing wrong with having gaps between jobs. Remain confident in your abilities and should you want a helping hand, our team of specialist recruiters would love to hear from. Roles we’re recruiting for include: Administrators, HR Professionals, Concierge and more.